Safety Tips For Posting on Social Media
February 8, 2021

Safety Tips For Posting on Social Media
Social Media platforms are a great way for individuals to connect with others, however, if you're not careful, you could be putting your safety at risk.
There's a number of privacy concerns that are tied to using different social media platforms spanning from the information you share, who is granted the access to seeing it, and the more underlying technical information that a cybercriminal would be able to see.
A good security practice when joining a new platform is to read the terms and conditions and also to go through your settings and ensure your privacy settings are to your liking. This includes settings that filters who is allowed access to your posts for example. Many people skip these steps and that could pose a security risk for them in the future.
Another huge security risk that most people don't realize is that the content they're sharing with the world may be giving away more than they'd like. So, here's a safety checklist to go over before posting photos to your social media.
Before posting a photo, ask yourself these questions:
1. Can we see your license plate?
2. Can we see your address?
3. Are you giving away locations that you visit often?
4. Is there any major landmark shown that's close to your home?
5. Can we see any uniforms or forms of ID?
If you can see any of these things in your photo, it's best not to post it or at least try your best to cover them. This information could give away valuable information to cybercriminals who may be able to use it against you in the future.
You may not be using social media platforms, but you probably know someone who does. Maybe your kids are using them or even your employees. Education is key for preventing cyber risks, so pass this blog post along to anyone who needs to know these tips!
Make sure you follow our Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Youtube pages for ongoing safety tips!