How To Stay Safe On Black Friday
November 12, 2020

How To Stay Safe On Black Friday
This year, while the global pandemic is still at large, most retailers will provide sales and promotions through online shopping websites.
With more shoppers browsing and making transactions online, we will most definitely see an increase in online scams and phishing attacks.
What Can I Look Out For?
Here are 6 things you should look out for in Black Friday promotional emails & ads before you start your online shopping spree!
1. Spelling and grammar errors
2. Requests personal information from you
3. Takes you to a suspicious website or login page
4. Has extreme urgency and unrealistic time frames to shop the sale
5. The deal is too good to be true
6. Avoid clicking links emailed to you and instead browse the legitimate website directly
If you notice any of these factors in Black Friday emails and promotions or any online shopping deals in general, it's always good to double check if it's legitimate and be cautious when encountering potentially suspicious links and websites.
We wish you safe shopping this Black Friday!