How secure is LinkedIn?
June 18, 2022

How secure is LinkedIn?
As a professional social network, LinkedIn is a platform where users connect with each other to build their networks and make business connections. But how secure could LinkedIn be? On this page, we will explain what you can do to increase the security of your account. Based on a report published by Check Point earlier this year, LinkedIn has now taken a whopping lead in the world of targeted phishing attacks. It has been recorded to be the highest spoofed application of 2022 so far with over 52% of security incidents worldwide which begs the question, How secure LinkedIn really is?
Be smart when you connect with others.
The service is intended to help you connect with others, so it's important to be smart when connecting with people you don't know. Whether you're connecting through someone in your network or adding new people, here are some tips on how to protect yourself:
- Make sure that person is who they say they are by checking their profile and doing some research. If it's someone from an organization or company, search for them on other social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook) as well as Google and LinkedIn.
- Ensure that any information provided is correct before filling out a shared employee form (this can involve submitting personal details). This will ensure there are no errors in the information provided that could impact your safety later down the road.
- Once a connection has been made and accepted, check back later in case more connections have been added since then - this can happen if another member added them again without realizing who did it first time around!
First, Second and Third Line of Defence
From the overview of security, let's look at the line of defenses for LinkedIn so you can tell for yourself where you stand.
- First Line of Defence
LinkedIn has a dedicated team that is focused on protecting your information. They keep an eye out for suspicious activity and try to minimize the damage if there is a breach. They’re also the ones you can reach out to if you have any questions about security or privacy. The first line of defense, is you, followed by LinkedIn auto check. All LinkedIn accounts are already protected by a series of automatic checks that are designed to thwart unauthorized sign-in attempts and keep your data safe.
- Second Line of Defence
If something happens, LinkedIn has a team that investigates it and responds appropriately. If it turns out that someone was able to get into your account because they guessed your password correctly or stole your login credentials, they'll take steps to ensure this doesn't happen again—by changing passwords or closing accounts where necessary.
- Third Line of Defence
In addition to protecting yourself from hackers, LinkedIn also has resources available for members who want more information about staying safe online (both through their own site and third party sites). To get optimal security in place, you need another layer on top. The best practice involved in securing any social account is setting up Multi Factor Authentication(MFA).
Be aware of the information that's publicly available about you on LinkedIn.
“It’s not what you know; it’s who you know.”
This popular phrase is particularly relevant when considering the social networking site LinkedIn, which has over 400 million users, and is most commonly used to connect with business contacts. However, do you know how much information about you can be found on LinkedIn?
All users have access to their own profiles, but they also have access to other people's profiles, including:
- Your connections' profile information (including contact info)
- Your connections' connections' profile information (and so on)
- Recommendations that people have written for your connections (and so on)
Keep personal information private.
There are many reasons why you should keep your personal information private. You might think that nobody cares about your personal information, but it's important to remember that once something is on the internet it's probably never going away. It's better to be safe than sorry!
Now let's talk about what exactly you should be keeping private:
- Your name
- Your address
- Your phone number/e-mail address/social media accounts
- Anything else that could be used to find out more about who you are
With some simple changes, you can make your account more secure.
- Make sure your password is strong, 14-18 characters long with special characters
- Make sure you have two-factor authentication
- Make sure you use a strong password for your email, bank and social media accounts
- Use MFA on all social accounts
- Be careful with links—don't click on anything that looks suspicious or comes from someone whose account seems sketchy (remember: there is no such thing as "friendly spam"). Even if the email looks legit, stay away from clicking any links within it—you'll never know where they lead!
Bad actors are always lurking, trying to gain access to members' accounts and data. Why the recent spike in spoofing? With the advent of remote workplaces and social distancing, the use of LinkedIn for networking skyrocketed. made it the world's leading professional network providing membership subscriptions, advertising sales and recruitment solutions. LinkedIn facilitates networking between professional candidates, and business owners. By default, LinkedIn displays information that makes it easier to find and track people within certain geographical constraints, place of work, designations and much more. Employees should be trained to spot suspicious anomalies such as misspelt domains, typos, incorrect dates and other details that can expose a malicious email or text messages.